Max Bramer

Professor Max Bramer

Emeritus Professor of Information Technology, University of Portsmouth, UK
Honorary Secretary, International Federation for Information Processing
Chair, British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence

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Max Bramer

Logic Programming With Prolog (second edition)

Published by Springer-Verlag. 2013. ISBN: 978-1-4471-5486-0 (Print) ISBN: 978-1-4471-5487-7 (Online)

Logic Programming is the name given to a distinctive style of programming, very different from that of conventional programming languages such as C++ and Java. By far the most widely used Logic Programming language is Prolog. Prolog is a good choice for developing complex applications, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Logic Programming with Prolog does not assume that the reader is an experienced programmer or has a background in Mathematics, Logic or Artificial Intelligence. It starts from scratch and aims to arrive at the point where quite powerful programs can be written in the language. It is intended both as a textbook for an introductory course and as a self-study book. On completion readers will know enough to use Prolog in their own research or practical projects. Each chapter has self-assessment exercises so that readers may check their own progress. A glossary of the technical terms used completes the book.

This second edition has been revised to be fully compatible with SWI-Prolog, a popular multi-platform public domain implementation of the language. Additional chapters have been added covering the use of Prolog to analyse English sentences and to illustrate how Prolog can be used to implement applications of an 'Artificial Intelligence' kind.

  • Features two entirely new chapters as well as updates to the chapters from the first edition
  • Clearly written, with many worked examples and self- assessment exercises
  • Fully compatible with SWI-Prolog

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There are no known errors in this edition (as at October 30th 2015).